Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How To Make Your Own Prickly Pear Juice!

 Last Summer I had the Pleasure of doing a lot of Foraging along  with Hand Picking Fruits. I been aware of Prickly Pears for a long time some Companies like Trivita Sells this Product for just $40. However, prickly pears are grown in my town, why would I want to pay $40 when I can get from mother nature for FREE. 

Prickly Pears helps with Arthritis, Diabetes and so Much More.

The Best Way to Make this Juice is with a Very High Speed Blender.

I was able to get about 2 1/2  Dozen of Prickly Pears

Place the Prickly Pears on a large bowl in cold water, this helps the little thorns remove easily. Cut each end of the Pears, remove the skin and place in the Blender.
You can add 1 to 2 cups of Spring Water, also you can add 1 cup fresh fruit or frozen fruit of your choice.

Blend everything together, then you will have to strained out the seeds.
Your Prickly Pear Juice is Done and Ready to Serve!

I am Thankful and I appreciates the Fruits that the Most High created for Us to Love and Nurture!

 Peace. Love. Light

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