Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Experiences with Raw Cacao!

Peace Family 
I Hope Your Week is Going Well....
I recently been enjoying Raw Cacao......
My experiences have been very interesting...
  • I noticed more energy 
  • My vibrations has increased to Positive
  • I feels rejuvenated 
  • Also not hungry for a good 6 hours!

Raw Cacao is the real Chocolate which grows in Pods on the Mayan Trees
Cacao contains very Rich Anti-Oxidants, Iron, Magnesium.
Cacao is a Super-food, awesome in smoothies.
Here is more information regarding the Health Benefits of Raw Cacao

A few Pics of the Different Smoothies I made with the Raw Cacao!

Chocolate and Banana Smoothie

Today! Chocolate and Black Cherries Smoothie

Chocolate and Strawberries Smoothie
Peace, Love and Light To All of You!

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